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On April 18, 2018, Lilia Ovcharova, Director of the Institute, took part in the work of the Public Council of the Russian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection

Council members discussed the support and development of the so-called “silver volunteering” ­– the volunteering of the elderly - in the Russian Federation and the development of the “Citizen – Government”  dialogue via Internet: possibilities, mechanisms and themes of interaction with the reference population.

Session "Demography and labor markets" withtin the 19th April International Scientific Conference (April 13)

Ekaterina Demintseva, director of the Center for Qualitative Research in Social Policy, presented her study of the ways urban infrastructure is created and used by by migrants from Central Asia in Moscow.

Session "Social Policy" within the framework of the 19th April International Scientific Conference (April 12)

At the session chaired by Lidia Prokofieva, leading analyst of the Center for the Analysis of Incomes and Living Standards, Elena Gorina, senior research fellow at this center, presented her report "Social support for families with children in the regions of Russia: in search of successful practices."

Session "Middle Class" within the framework of the 19th April International Scientific Conference (April 12)

At the session chaired by Liliya Ovachrova, director of the Institute for Social Policy, Yulia Lezhnina, senior research fellow of the Center for Stratification Studies, presented her report "Russian middle class in social policy system: object or subject?"

Session "Actual Approaches to Studying Modern Societies" within the framework of the 19th April International Scientific Conference (April 12)

At the session chaired by Natalia Tikhonova, chief research fellow of the Center for Stratification Studies, and Vasiliy Anikin, senior research fellow of this Center, Svetlana Mareeva, center director, presented her report "Middle-income group in Russia society: position and dynamics", and Ekaterina Slobodenyuk, research fellow of this Center, presented her report "Where does the poverty line lie in modern Russia?"

Session "Actual Approaches to Studying Modern Societies" within the framework of the 19th April International Scientific Conference (April 12)

At the session chaired by Natalia Tikhonova, chief research fellow of the Center for Stratification Studies, and Svetlana Mareeva, center director, Vasiliy Anikin, senior research fellow of this Center, presented his report "Social stratification by life chances: theoretical and methodological potential."

Session "Distributive relations" within the framework of the 19th April International Scientific Conference (April 11)

The experts of the Centre for Studies of Income and Living Standards Alexandra Goriainova, Natalia Khalina and Alina Pishnyak presented their report "Strategies for saving families with children in the new economic conditions."

Session "The Pension System and Way of Life of the Elderly" within the framework of the 19th April International Scientific Conference (April 11)

The Centre for Comprehensive Social Policy Studies presented its papers, namely: Elena Selezneva, senior research fellow, presented her report "Prevention in old age: basic and deviant health life styles" and Anna Ermolina, junior research fellow, Oksana Sinyavskaya, center director, Elisaveta Lyubushina, research assistant, presented their report  "Mobility on the labour market as the strategy of economic activity in older age."

Plenary session “Human Capital and Social Policy” within the framework of the 19th April International Scientific Conference (April 11)

During the session, Lilia Ovcharova, director for Social Studies, HSE, director of the Institute for Social Policy, presented a joint report of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) and the Center for Strategic Research “How to increase human capital and its contribution into economic and social development.”

On March 26, 2018, the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation Rushan hazrat Abbyasov met at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque scholars working in the field of migration studies

Ekaterina Demintseva, director of the Centre for Qualitative Social Policy Research and Dmitry Oparin, research fellow at the same center, attended the meeting and presented some results of their research.