LTC in Russia After the Covid-19 Pandemic
On June 18, 2020, the Institute for Social Policy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics hold the 12th academic workshop on the topic of COVID-19 and Long-Term Care Development: Lessons and Perspectives. The event was organized on the online platform Zoom in cooperation with the World Bank and with the support of the Russian National Association of social service providers (NASO) within the series of events under the topic “Active Ageing Policy and Pension Reforms: Russian and International Experience”.
Income, Poverty and Employment in the Era of Covid-19: Anti- and Post-crisis Social Protection Policies: International and Russian Experience
On June 4 and 5, 2020, the Institute for Social Policy hold the online two-day workshop on Covid-19 pandemic and social protection policies INCOME, POVERTY AND EMPLOYMENT IN THE ERA OF COVID-19: ANTI- AND POST-CRISIS SOCIAL PROTECTION POLICIES organized in partnership with the World Bank and the Financial Research Institute (NIFI).

Online Academic Workshops Active Ageing Policy and Pension Reforms: Russian and International Experience has Passed to Online Format and Discussed Social Service in Crisis
On April 23, 2020 the Institute for Social Policy at HSE University held its 11th academic workshop devoted to Reverse Mortages within Social Service System in Crisis. This workshop being part of the series of events on Active Ageing Policy and Pension Reforms: Russian and International Experience was organized with the support of the Russian National Association of social service providers (NASO).

Online Academic Workshop Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Russian Labor Market and Extra-budgetary Funds
On April 14, 2020, the Institute for Social Policy hold the online Academic Workshop Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Russian Labor Market and Extra-budgetary Funds.
About 5 million employees of small and medium-sized enterprises may lose half of their income due to quarantine, estimates Lilia Ovcharova, Director of the Institute for Social Policy
In general, about 25% of the Russian economy, i.e. a quarter of all employed people, falls under the full closure in April, estimates Lilia Ovcharova, Director of the Institute for Social Policy at the Higher School of Economics.