LTC in Russia After the Covid-19 Pandemic
On June 18, 2020, the Institute for Social Policy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics hold the 12th academic workshop on the topic of COVID-19 and Long-Term Care Development: Lessons and Perspectives. The event was organized on the online platform Zoom in cooperation with the World Bank and with the support of the Russian National Association of social service providers (NASO) within the series of events under the topic “Active Ageing Policy and Pension Reforms: Russian and International Experience”.
The event inaugurated by Lilia OVCHAROVA, Vice Rector, Director of the Institute for Social Policy, HSE, and Nithin Umapathi, Senior Economist, Social Protection and Jobs at the World Bank, heard the presentations assured by Dr. Elena Glinskaya, Lead Economist at the Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice a the World Bank, and Evgeny Yakushev, Head of the Laboratory for pension system developmen of the Institute for Social Policy at HSE. Three panelists Yury Voronin, Head of the Center for Legal Support of Social and Economic Reforms at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Elena Tarasenko, Associate Professor, HSE, and Alexei MAVRIN, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Founder of the Guest House Network for the Elderly «Opeka», Chairman of the Home Care Committee of NASO Association, joined the discussion moderated by Oksana Sinyavskaya, Deputy Director, Institute for Social Policy, HSE.
More information about the event is here.