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Labor migrants in Russia: claiming their right to health tangled in a web of legal uncertainty – a presentation of Daniel Kashnitsky at the University of Lund, Sweden

Lund University hosted an International Workshop “From Economic to Political Informality: Exploring the Link Between Shadow Practices, Policy Making and Development”.

On September 17-19, 2019 Daniel Kashnitsky presented his research project on access of HIV positive migrants to healthcare services that he is implementing as a part of his PhD research at the Institute of Social Policy Management and the Doctoral School of Sociology, HSE (supervisor – Ekaterina Demintseva).

This is a continuation of his research under the project “Informal social and economic practices of migrant workers in Moscow, Russia, grant of the National Research University Higher School of Economics” where he explored migrant healthcare infrastructure. 

Daniel is spending the 2019-2020 academic year as a guest researcher at the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Linköping University, Sweden. He was awarded a Swedish Institute Scholarship to support him to advance his research.