Mapping as a Tool for Preserving Cultural Heritage
On May 23-24, an All-Russian Scientific Conference "Urban Environment Transformation: New Trends and Old Problems" was held in Kaluga, organized by Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovski and Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAN). Pavel Shulgin, the project leader of Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center, the head of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development, and Olga Shtele, the leading expert of the Center, presented their report on the mapping of territories in order to preserve cultural heritage.

The Great Silk Road Conference: Historical Roads as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites
From December 5-8, 2022, Kazan hosted an international forum dedicated to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage 50’s anniversary. The Convention has become an important stage in recognizing the world heritage value and uniting all countries supporting this idea. A World Heritage List is being compiled under the auspices of UNESCO, which already includes 1,154 objects of cultural and natural heritage from all around the world. Participants from 56 countries of the world discussed the management of World Cultural Heritage Sites, environmental management and conservation of the World Natural Heritage. A total of 10 scientific conferences were held within the forum.

"Modern problems of studying and protecting cultural and natural heritage" - All-Russian scientific conference
On June 15, an All-Russian conference "Modern problems of studying and protecting cultural and natural heritage" was held in Moscow, at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The conference started with a report "Comprehensive regional programs for the preservation and use of heritage (new approaches and practical experience of recent years)" by the head of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development, Pavel Shulgin.

Piotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky: the Potential of Heritage of an Outstanding Scientist-Encyclopedist
On May 21-22, the International Conference VII Semenov Readings "The Legacy of Piotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky and Modern Science" was held in Lipetsk, in the scientist's homeland in the Ryazanka estate of the Lipetsk region. The head of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development Pavel Shulgin and the leading expert of the Centre Olga Shtele presented a joint report under the topic "The concept of creation and development of the Federal museum-reserve "The Homeland of Piotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky"".

Cultural Heritage of the First Cosmonaut: Human Potential in a Historical Context
On April 25, the first scientific and practical conference of the United Memorial Museum-Reserve of Yuri Gagarin was held in Gagarin, Smolensk region (formerly Gzhatsk). At the plenary part of the conference the head of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development Pavel Shulgin and the leading expert of the Centre Olga Shtele presented a joint report on the topic "Experience in using cultural heritage in historical rural settlements".