International conference "Urban inequalities vs. Urban inclusion: migration, identity and public space"
On June 19-21, 2019 will be held the International conference "Urban inequalities vs. Urban inclusion: migration, identity and public space".
The growing pace of urbanization in the last decades has brought together unprecedented number of people to live in unprecedented density, raising the new debates on tolerance and equal access to the key resources. However, the sheer scale and speed of migration to the cities and between cities, the urbanization of previously suburban areas and recultivation of formerly depopulated lands also brings to the light social confrontations not bound directly with the deficit of resources - including the struggle for memories and local belonging, the possibility to safely maintain one’s ethnic and gender identity. The contemporary city built as a space for everybody often turns into an arena of contesting relations. The conference “Urban Inequalities: Segregation, Migration and Social Conflict” will be centered on ethnographic analysis to address urban inequality phenomena, such as unemployment, informal employment, homelessness, access to essential services, intolerance, conflict, digital divide.
Conference committee:
Ekaterina Demintseva, Director, Centre for Qualitative Social Policy Research, Institute for Social Policy, Higher School of Economics, Moscow; Associate Professor, School of Cultural Studies, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Mikhail Alekseevsky, Director, Centre for Urban Anthropology, Strelka KB, Moscow.
Tatiana Intigrinova, Policy Advisor, Oxfam in Russia,
National Research University Higher School of Economics (academic program),
Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design (public program).
Conference will be held:
June 19, 10.00 - 14.00 – Myasnitskaya 20, 311
June 20, 10.00 - 14.00 – Myasnitskaya 9/11, 518
June 19, 14.00 - 18.00 – Myasnitskaya 9/11, 421
June 20, 14.00 до 18.00, June 21, 10.00 - 17.00, Myasnitskaya 9/11, 423
Should you require a pass for the HSE building, please register your desire to participate before 16.00 on June 18, 2019, via
More information on the link