The "Family-friendly Social Policy, Female Employment and Living Standards of Families with Children" Research and Study group is an interdisciplinary research team established in 2016 within the grant of the HSE Academic Fund Programme.
Currently the RSG team works on the project 'Effect of childbearing on women employment and income, and on the well-being of families with children in different institutional contexts'. The RSG team includes sociologists, economists, international economists, demographers and statisticians.Therefore, the big advantage and at the same time a special methodological challenge of the project is a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis performed within the study.
The goal of the project is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the pros and cons of extended leave for child care using a multidisciplinary approach. We also aim to determine the place of Russia in comparison with other countries in terms of the family policy and employment policy for women with children, and then to estimate the impact of the child's birth on women's employment, women's income and, more broadly, families' welfare.
The statistical database of the project includes data on different aspects of poverty, women's employment and government spending on family policy, withdrawn both from national statistical agencies and international organizations, and data of various population surveys. Comparative cross-country analysis is based on the Generation and Gender Programme Surveys for Russia and some other Eastern European countries, while more detailed overview of situation in Russia employs data of the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS HSE).
Practical relevance of the project stems from the fact that Russian social policy at the moment faces two contradictory objectives. On the one hand, a declining labor force combined with the aging of the population justify the need for maximum involvement of the population in the labor force, and it suggests a rapid return to the labor market after childbirth. On the other hand, pronatalist policies carried out in Russia since 2007 require the creation of comfortable conditions for childbearing, and this leads to the lengthening of childcare leaves. The results obtained within this project may provide arguments for choosing one of the directions for further policy development.
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